On Tuesday 11am we went to the courts and we played basketball!. When we walked inside the courts we saw the coach and a lot of basketball balls.
We sat down and the coach said “my name is Bruce” and we said “hi”. After that Bruce said “the rules are don’t talk well someone is talking. And do not chat to the person beside you. And then a tall as man came in with a basketball ball and he was just playing shoot. After that Bruce said “okay Simione can you go where the corner is, Salote can you go and stand where Simione is, Cathrine can you go and stand next to Salote, Tokilupe can you go stand next to Catherine. Can you but your hands up and say your number.” Simione was number 1, Salote was number 2, Catherine was number 3, Tokilupe was the very last number, 4. Simione's group was Sonya, Valensia and Folauhola. Salote had 4 people in her team. Catherine's team was me, Ramonadel, Rachel and Justin. Tokilupe's team was Misiotei and Viliami. In Savelio's team was Ierei and Taiwan. Bruce said “what is your team name” to Simione and he said "Giants". Salote's team name was Breakers, my team name was Power Rangers (Rachel made up our group name) and Savelio's team was Lakers. When we finish making up our team names we started to play. We played Dribbling relay, Dribbling cones and run and shoot.
Once we finish playing all the games. We went to class as it was room five's turn to play basketball.
On an exciting holiday we went to Mcdonald’s to see the Ronald show but we came late so we only came just in time for the card and for his signature. We had to tell Ronald our name so I did. Ronald said to my cousins and I “what is your name?”so we told him our names. My cousins told their names to Ronald and once we got our card we took a photo and my mum took the photo.
Once we took our photo we went and ate. I had a mac-attack, chips and coke mixed with raspberry. My cousins had the same as me too. After that we went home because it was only my sister at home. I WAS REALLY FULL!
It was really fantastic and I am really looking forward to the next holiday. I hope we do it again.
The top of the emblem reminds us to light our way. On the bottom of the of the emblem is a representation of God’s creation. The waves remind us of the healing water at baptism. The cross reminds that Jesus died on the cross for us.